email : Webview : Jewelers for Children upcoming events 2023

It’s Event Season! Make Your Plans Now

2023 Fitness Challenge

Registration for our 2023 GetFit4Kids Fitness Challenge is underway. The Challenge will kick-off on February 1, and runs through February 28. Have you signed up yet?

If not, why not do it now and while you’re at it, challenge some of your friends to join you. Why not start a team and get your family, friends and co-workers to get together and get fit at the same time.

You can do any type of activity you choose, there are no restrictions and no special equipment required. If you choose, you can download the Charity Footprints app and track your progress and see where you and your team stand against everyone else. While it’s not a competition, a friendly challenge is always a great motivator.

Click here for more details and the link to the registration page on Charity Footprints.

Rings of Strength

This year we’ll hold two Rings of Strength events. The first one will be on Monday May 1, in Louisville at the AGS Conclave. After only three years, the Conclave edition has become larger than our signature event in Las Vegas.

The edition of our Las Vegas event will take place on Thursday June 1, at the Venetian Hotel. After beginning in 2013, this event has raised over $ 350,000 to help our charity partners enhance the lives of children.

If you’re attending the AGS Conclave or the events in Las Vegas, or both, consider joining us as we walk or run together to help more children.

Full details and registration information for both events is at
Facets of Hope Event

Our Facets of Hope event will return on Sunday June 4, as we recognize 25 years of Jewelers for Children. This year we will be honoring Brian Duffy of Watches of Switzerland and Jack and Dominick Gabriel of Gabriel & Co., leaders in our industry.

We will have food, drinks and we’ll hear from our charity partners as well as recognize the honorees. There are options for attending, sponsoring and for placing ads in the commemorative dinner journal.

Full details on all the options can be found on our webiste, by clicking here.

Evan’s story…

Four year old Evan was found with a cotton ball containing fentanyl in his mouth, which caused him to have severe brain damage. After spending months in the hospital, he was discharged to a medical residential facility.
That was when CASA stepped in. Evan’s CASA Advocate, Janet, spent a lot of time with him, with his therapist and with other important people in his life. Janet learned that Evan spent most of his day in a crib with a TV and little interaction with people. Although he had significant development delays, Evan was still able to learn and identify things. Due to his placement in a special facility Evan’s medical needs were met, but his educational, social, and emotional needs were not. He was languishing and unhappy.
Evan’s CASA made regular and impactful recommendations to the court and painted a picture of the child’s day. The Judge took that work seriously, ordering the Division of Child Protection and Permanency to find special schools that could immediately serve Evan.
While he was in care, Evan’s father died of a drug overdose and his mother’s parental rights were terminated – leaving Evan available to be adopted. And Evan was adopted. Evan has now moved to his new home where his medical, educational, and mental health needs met.
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