Terms For Applications And Grants

We are not currently accepting any applications for funding.  If you would like to be placed on the list to be notified if funding becomes available, email. [email protected] with your name, organization name, and contact information.  In the event any funding does become available, we will notify everyone on the list that applications may be submitted.  Please do not submit an application until you have been notified.

The Charity Programs Committee of the Board of Directors of the Jewelers for Children has established an Endowment Fund for the purpose of making monetary grants to charities (other than “legacy charities” already designated by the Board of Directors) as determined by an ad hoc screening sub-committee of the Charity Programs Committee.

Every June, the Jewelers for Children Board of Directors will formalize our distribution to charities for the year. This decision is made based on our fundraising cycle and how much has been raised.

From time-to-time the board may decide to make funds available for grants to organizations other than our current charity partners. In the event additional funds are available, Jewelers for Children will accept applications from interested organizations based on the criteria below.

The criteria for consideration of these grants, and the application and granting procedures are set out below.


The standard for grants from the Endowment Fund will be consistent with policy set by the Board of the Jewelers for Children. As of the date of the writing of these terms for applications and grants, those criteria set by the Board are a charity, national or international in scope, whose mission is primarily to benefit children who lives have been affected by illness, abuse or neglect. Further, grants from the Endowment Fund will be given in a manner consistent with the policy set by the Board of no more than 25% allocation for charities whose programs are implemented abroad.

Requests must be for a specific program and/or project. Requests for funding that would be placed in a pool or to fund operational expenses, will not be considered. Requests that present a specific program with the opportunity to name the program for Jewelers for Children and the jewelry industry will be looked up favorably.

It is unlikely that the committee will consider requests from organizations that are similar to the organizations currently supported. The goal is to avoid duplication and to diversify the types of programs supported. For example, a request from a children’s hospital or wish granting organization would probably not be considered.

Application procedure

  1. All applications for a grant from the endowment fund by any member of the jewelry trade should be submitted using the electronic submission for accompanying these guidelines.
  2. A copy of the most recent annual financial statement of the charity requesting the grant must accompany all applications.
  3. Additional materials, such as brochures and annual reports that help to present your organization should also be submitted.
  4. Applicants may seek grants on a yearly basis, and may seek funding for projects that are in excess of one year, if so noted on the application.

Endowment Fund Screening Sub-committee procedures

  1. The Endowment Fund Screening Sub-committee will consist of three members of the Charity Programs Committee, appointed by the Chair of that Committee who will serve on the sub-committee for a term consistent with their term on the Charity Programs Committee.
  2. All applications received in a timely fashion in any year will be read by all members of the Screening Committee.
  3. The Screening Committee will meet either in person or by telephone in to recommend to the Charity Programs Committee grants to applicants in the maximum aggregate amount of the Endowment available for any calendar year.
  4. All charities considered by the Endowment Fund Screening Committee must meet the charity criteria set by the Board of Directors of the Jewelers for Children.

Charity Programs Committee Endowment Fund Procedures

  1. Upon receipt of the report of the Screening Committee, the Charity Programs Committee as a whole will consider approval of the report of the Endowment Fund Screening Committee.
  2. The Charity Programs Committee will include in its report to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of the Jewelers for Children its recommendation on the selection of charities for grants from the Endowment Fund.
  3. All such recommendations are subject to approval of the Charity Programs Committee, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of the Jewelers for Children.

Emergency Response Procedures

  1. In cases of catastrophic, emergency need resulting from events (natural or caused by man) impacting the lives of children, any member of the Endowment Fund Committee may seek permission from the Chair of the Charity Programs Committee to convene a meeting of the members of the Endowment Fund Committee to facilitate immediate response to the above described special circumstances. An emergency meeting of the Endowment Fund Committee may also be convened at the request of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Jewelers for Children.
  2. Under these emergency circumstances, and if approved by a majority of the members of the Endowment Fund Committee present at an emergency meeting, a grant from the Endowment Fund may be recommended to the Board of the Directors of the Jewelers for Children without reference to regular procedures as described above. Grants will be to charities which meet criteria set by the Board to wit: a charity, national or international in scope, whose mission is to primarily to benefit children whose lives are threatened.
  3. All such recommendations for grants under Emergency Response Procedures from the Endowment Fund Committee should be in writing and sent to the Chairman of the Board of Jewelers for Children. (Such recommendations are subject to approval of the Board of Jewelers for Children.)

For an application for funding, click here.

Donate to Jewelers for Children and transform lives by supporting children affected by catastrophic illnesses or life-threatening situations – your contribution can change a child’s story.